sferturile de finala ale Euro-2012.
La Volkswagen, cei 102 mii de salariati sunt autorizati sa inchida, vineri, liniile de productie si birourile mai devreme decat este prevazut, conform unui regulament existent care le permite sa primeasca liber pentru a asista la unele meciuri de fotbal.
La fel si la Opel si la Daimler.
Aici ,in Romania, voi aveti prevazut asa ceva in contractul colectiv de munca ?
2 Responses to "Volkswagen, Opel si Daimler inchid portile. Industria auto din Germania opreste lucrul la meciul cu Grecia"24 iunie 2012 la 17:46
Iubesc masinile:D
18 iunie 2014 la 03:30
TҺis really would гemind еacҺ other that although you'rе much aside,
the love and treatment are still there. If you adopt a
cautious attitude and keep the distance, he will think that yօu're not
inteгested in him and, obvious, he won't be tempted to
call you. This maԀe him eҳpect you to beg him to want you again.
Also viѕit my weƅ page - Make Him Desire You
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